Home » Clayton NC Med Spa Treatments for Age 30s
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Med Spa Treatments for Age 30s at BodyLase Med Spa in Clayton, NC
If you’re in your 30s, we know this is a time when the body’s collagen begins to deplete because it is intrinsically produced at a much slower rate. This is the decade to begin stimulating collagen formation to delay the loss of volume in our skin. Our medical spa has a variety of treatments to address your evolving skin care needs. Consider non-invasive treatments like skin pen, radiofrequency microneedling, tixel, laser treatments, botox and fillers. Protect your investment in treatments with a solid skin care routine designed to enhance and maintain your results. Our wide range of services ensures that you maintain your confidence and age gracefully as you embark on this new chapter of your life. For more information, contact us or book a consultation now. We are located at 205 Boling St., Clayton, NC 27520.